

Picks out line-delimited JSON arrays and objects in a data stream, and parses the rest into lines.


var sieve = new JSONSieve();
process.stdin.on('data', function(chunk) {
process.stdin.on('end', function() {
  sieve.close();  // important
sieve.on('stdout_line', ...);
sieve.on('stderr_data', ...);
sieve.on('json_object', ...);
sieve.on('json_array', ...);

JSONSieve is an EventEmitter.

Warning: Note that JSON will not be parsed if it is “pretty-printed” with whitespace.


var EventEmitter = require('events')
  , util = require('util')

function JSONSieve() {
  this.lineBuffer_ = '';

util.inherits(JSONSieve, EventEmitter);

After construction, chunked data may be passed to observe().

JSONSieve.prototype.observe = function(dataStr) {
  this.lineBuffer_ += dataStr;

On every chunk, we add the new data to the existing line buffer, and attempting to find newlines to split on. If there are no newlines, then assume that the last chunk we got was a partial line.

JSONSieve.prototype.parseLineBuffer_ = function() {
  var lines = [];
  var dataStr = this.lineBuffer_;
  var idx = dataStr.indexOf('\n');
  while(idx >= 0) {
    lines.push(dataStr.substr(0, idx));  // Excludes terminating new line.
    dataStr = dataStr.substr(idx + 1);   // Skip newline.
    idx = dataStr.indexOf('\n');
  this.lineBuffer_ = dataStr;            // Linebuffer contains leftovers.
  if (lines.length) {
    lines.forEach(this.processLine_, this);

For every line parsed out of the stream, attempt to decode JSON strings and arrays. A decision is made here not to attempt to decode JSON strings and numbers, because they are too accidentally common in most output streams.

JSONSieve.prototype.processLine_ = function(line) {

Allow some fuzz in the input in the form of leading and trailing whitespace.

  var trimmedLine = line.replace(/^[\s\u0000-\u001f]*|[\s\u0000-\u001f]*$/g, '');

Check for necessary conditions for line-delimited JSON objects and arrays, even empty ones.

  var len = trimmedLine.length;
  if (len >= 2) {

Test for possible line-delimited JSON objects.

    if (trimmedLine[0] === '{' && trimmedLine[len - 1] === '}') {
      var jsonObj;
      try {
        jsonObj = JSON.parse(trimmedLine);
      } catch(e) { }  // Nope, not a JSON object.
      if (jsonObj && typeof jsonObj == 'object') {
        return this.emit('json_object', jsonObj);

Test for possible line-delimited JSON arrays.

    if (trimmedLine[0] === '[' && trimmedLine[len - 1] === ']') {
      var jsonArr;
      try {
        jsonArr = JSON.parse(trimmedLine);
      } catch(e) { }  // Nope, not a JSON array.
      if (jsonArr && typeof jsonArr == 'object' && 'length' in jsonArr) {
        return this.emit('json_array', jsonArr);

Emit as a raw line.

  return this.emit('stdout_line', line);

Finish up any remaining data remaining in the line buffer, usually the last line of output if it does not have a terminating newline.

JSONSieve.prototype.close = function(cb) {
  if (this.lineBuffer_) {
    delete this.lineBuffer_;
  return (cb && cb());

module.exports = JSONSieve;